Hola mi nombre es Marian, ezequiela en LS3 y MarianSimss en LS4) me encantan los sims , sobre todo construir, y me gustaría compartir con vosotros mis creaciones.

Mis casas están decoradas con creaciones que hay en la red, de creadores maravillosos y que a todos no podría nombrar, porque me gustan muchos, pero si algún objeto os gusta, pues con gusto intentare deciros quien es el creador.

Espero que os gusten mis casas, tanto como a mí me gusta hacerlas.

18 de mayo de 2013

Countries rugs


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Marian

    I must apologize for the late reply me only once, we had an illness in the family, so I was hardly online.

    I am very glad that you like my house and thank you for your visit on my blog. The combination of stone and wood I find very fitting and it does not look as cold.

    Your houses are also a dream and designed very stylish. You have a knack for colors and I like it very much.

    I wish you have a wonderful week and send you many greetings and kisses. Hoppel


    1. Thank you for your view, my wish is that your family is well.
      Have a great weekend.
